7th BioProScale Symposium
On March 28.-31., 2022 the 7th BioProScale Symposium was conducted on-site with the possibility to follow the presentations online. The symposium was organized by the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering (BVT) at the Technische Universität (TU) Berlin, the Institute for Fermentation and Biotechnology in Berlin (IfGB) as part of the Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB e.V.), the Bio-PAT e.V. and the BioProScale e.V.
Finally on-Site
After the last symposium in 2021, conducted completely virtually, the participants finally met, exchanged ideas and networked in-person. Additionally, online tickets were available to follow the lectures online. The organizers thank all contributors and the audience for their participation, the media partner q&more for the advertisement of the symposium, and especially the exhibitors and sponsors for their support.
Facts & Numbers
223 participants from 14 countries were registered for this event. About 190 persons used the possibility to participate on-site. The symposium consisted of 14 sessions with 42 scientific lectures and 8 great plenary talks as well as 36 poster contributions. Further, 13 exhibitors showed their products and services.
The symposium was split into 2 sub-topics: Part I: „Industrial Scale – Scaling up and down – PAT“, Part II: „High Throughput Bioprocess Development – Advances in Software, Hardware, and Integration“. The booklet including all abstracts, sponsors and exhibitors and advertisements is available for download.
Bio-PAT as exhibitor
The network Bio-PAT was one of the exhibitors as well as some of its members, such as the BlueSens gas sensor GmbH, Celltainer Biosolutions GmbH, Enpresso GmbH and KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH. More members (AdvaTec® Analytics GmbH, Abacus Analytical Systems GmbH, ANiMOX GmbH, OSPIN GmbH, Sequip S+E GmbH and SOPAT GmbH) provided information material, which was presented at the Bio-PAT booth.
Poster and Lecture Awards
The organizers thank Bionet for sponsoring the poster and the MDPI AG for sponsoring the lecture prizes and congratulate the winners. With these prizes important works by young scientists were honored.
Poster prizes:
1st Lara Santolin, Isabel Thiele and co-authors (TU Berlin): „PHA bioplastic with tunable monomer content by flexible substrate mixtures“.
2nd Tolue Kheirkhah and co-authors (TU Berlin): “Controlling Aspergillus niger morphology in a rocking-motion bioreactor” and
Annina Kemmer and co-authors (TU Berlin): “Modeling enzymatic glucose release to facilitate continuous feeding in miniaturized fermentations”.
3rd Stefan Kittler and co-authors (TU Wien): „Small scale mechanical cell disruption: A workflow to screen for ideal disruption conditions for recombinantly produced proteins in E. coli„.
Lecture prizes:
1st Lena Gaugler (University Stuttgart): „Development of a single multi-compartment bioreactor (SMCB) for CHO scale-down studies in heterogeneous cultivation environments“.
2nd Laura Marie Helleckes (Research Center Jülich): “Accelerated microbial phenotyping: How process modeling and a decision policy can enhance high-throughput screening of PETase-secreting Corynebacterium glutamicum variants“.
3rd Julian Schmitz (Bielefeld University): „Application of a microfluidic single-cell cultivation platform for mammalian suspension cell lines in bioprocess research and development“.
A special award in the category sustainability was given to Dr. Pedram Ramin (Technical University of Denmark) for his engagement to cycle the complete way from Copenhagen to Berlin.
The next BioProScale Symposium will take place in 2024!
To be up to date join the BioProScale Group on LinkedIn!
More information about the organizers
BVT, TU Berlin
VLB Berlin e.V.: LinkedIn, Facebook
Bio-PAT e.V.: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Pictures taken by Prof. Peter Neubauer, Olaf Hendel, Dr. Anika Bockisch.