General meeting Bio-PAT e.V. at SOPAT GmbH

General meeting Bio-PAT e.V.

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Erstellt von: Anika Bockisch Kommentare: 0 0

General meeting Bio-PAT e.V.

On December 06th 2023, the 9th general meeting Bio-PAT e.V. was conducted at the SOPAT GmbH in Berlin and also streamed online. 7 of 21 members attended on-site and 8 online.

Before the official meeting, Jörn Emmerich, CEO and Co-founder at SOPAT, gave a tour through the company and showed how the photo optical inline technology is developed, optimized and produced.
We thank especially Jörn Emmerich, Clara Rosales and Javier Jimenez Ebner for their support in organizing this event.

During the meeting the new member foom GmbH was shortly presented. Further, the activities of the network since the last meeting, highlights and challenges were presented. The report of the last months also included the presentation of the financial status.

In the following, planned events for the next months were discussed with the members. These included for example a workshop for the members of how to set up and optimize a LinkedIn profile for a company or organization, the BioProScale Symposium in April 2024, the presence of Bio-PAT at the ACHEMA in June 2024 and a Partnering Event, which should take place in March 2024. Anika Bockisch presented the new platform for the partnering event, which has now to be evaluated by the members. Soon, the event will be available online and announcements will follow.´

The meeting was concluded with a nice Get-Together for the members and SOPAT staff.

Some impressions: