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1 Veranstaltung,
1 Veranstaltung,
HPLC Basics and Troubleshooting Training
HPLC Basics and Troubleshooting Training at KNAUER During the HPLC basic course, the attendees acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in HPLC. The course helps to gain fundamental understanding in chromatographic separation techniques. The participant is enabled to independently put HPLC systems in operation and perform analyses. Problems should be detected and solved independently to achieve […]
1 Veranstaltung,
1 Veranstaltung,
KNAUER ClarityChrom Software Training
KNAUER ClarityChrom Software Training
KNAUER ClarityChrom Software Training Highlight of the ClarityChrom® Software Training The course participant will practice the gained theoretical knowledge in practical exercises. Therefore, every participant will be provided with a laptop and the software demo package. A second trainer and a small group size will ensure an efficient working atmosphere and a fast response to questions. […]
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1 Veranstaltung,
19. Herbstkolloquium Prozessanalytik 2024
19. Herbstkolloquium Prozessanalytik 2024 Das Netzwerk Bio-PAT wird auch vor Ort dabei sein. Einige Mitglieder haben Poster oder Vorträge. Mehr Informationen folgen bald. Motto des Kolloquiums in 2024: Mit PAT in die ZukunftWie begleitet uns PAT in die Zukunft? Auf dem 19. Herbstkolloquium Prozessanalytik des AK PAT wollen wir gemeinsam diskutieren, was PAT der Zukunft […]
1 Veranstaltung,
1 Veranstaltung,
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1 Veranstaltung,
1st Berlin-BioTECH Symposium “Difficult to Express Proteins”
1st Berlin-BioTECH Symposium “Difficult to Express Proteins” Recombinant proteins are the most important biotechnological products. They are particularly important for medical and biotechnological applications. As almost any chemical reaction can be catalyzed by proteins under mild conditions, they represent an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical synthesis. In order to meet the demand for the required proteins, […]